

  • Added lightbox functionality for future gallery usage. Also learned that the thing I was desperately trying to find the name for was lightbox.
  • Moved the navigation menu to the left-hand side.
  • i am struggling with the menu right now so it's being put in jail
  • (through gritted teeth) web design is my passion
  • oh god i think i got it thundering jesus i have suffered to bring forth every character of text on this page
  • i need to look into how to make the sort of navigation buttons i have in mind for the future since, ideally the only links that would be hidden behind a click would be the sub-pages for the various galleries and everything else would be surface level, but i'll stick with the collapsible sidebar nonsense for the moment since it """works""" (it doesn't)
  • to-do for next update: actually upload images and make a test page for galleries. also figure out how you want to sort the galleries. I'll probably sort them by year of creation? Newest-oldest for fandom stuff tho bc lol.
  • "you can test your edits in an offline environment instead of testing everything live" ugh whatever


  • started building
  • realizing that my neopets-graduate level html aged like milk.
  • I sat down and actually sketched out a design and I went from "this is agony" to "this rules, actually." So if you are making a website and feel like you're being sucked into the fetid mire of torment maybe just give yourself a goofy aesthetic to shoot for and you'll calm down.
  • The boxes containing my text no longer look like hot nasty garbage.
  • oh christ how do i get the navigation box under the content box
  • nvm i googled it my brain is HUGE